connect groups
We all spent 2020 in a different reality to one extent or another
Many of us have lost connections we had before covid - especially the more casual relationships
In addition, over the past year, many of us had losses or entered a new stage of life
Now that we are slowly emerging we may be thinking:
*Who did I become this year?
*Or do I even know who I am anymore?
*Who do I want to be?
*What kind of relationships do I want?
You might even be getting tired of your covid tribe, yet emotionally you may be at capacity with no room for meaningless encounters, small talk or covid/political conversations.
Yet there may be a part of you that wants depth and more quality relationships
There has never been a greater need for connection – so many women I talk to are yearning for deeper relationships. It makes sense…..
We are designed for connection. It’s how we are wired. Research shows that high quality relationships are key to living a meaningful life and are vital to our physical and emotional well-being.
But where do you find women like you – with a desire for depth, growth and meaning– that live near you and in a similar stage of life?
Connect groups are for women who are doing pretty well in many aspects of their lives and looking to cultivate new connections, have deep, meaningful conversations, rediscover themselves and live their lives with a greater sense of meaning and purpose.
Each connect group consists of 6-9 women who are in the same life-stage and/or shared experiences. The groups meet weekly for 90 minutes outside in the Newport Beach/Irvine area.
Here’s three common benefits of joining a connect group:
*A place to be seen (really seen), heard and valued (even those imperfect parts of you.) As the facilitator I will provide an exercise or a thought provoking question each week that we will explore together. Two important values of connect groups are confidentiality and curiousity so when you talk it won’t be repeated anywhere and you will be listened to without fear of judgment, unsolicited advice or “you should try…comments. If you are going through something difficult, connect groups are a great place to get support and feel less alone.
*Clarity on who you are and what you want to contribute to the world. Saying outloud what is in your head to a supportive group of people can be life-changing. On the last night of an eight week group, I asked a 45 year old gal how the group had impacted her. She said, I have lots of friends, but I have never had the experience of talking and having people listen without them telling me what I ought to do or how I should feel. For the first time in my life I am discovering what’s truly important in my life.
*The fruit of the listening skills you develop and the felt sense of the experience of being listened to will have the added bonus of strengthening relationships that are important to you outside of the group. One mom in my group has a 14 year old son that was so angry with her all of the time. He complained that he wasn’t being treated fairly and they would get in terrible arguments. In the past when he got mad she would have defended herself and told him he had an anger management issue. Instead, she just listened to his hurt and pain and asked him to tell her more. At the end of the conversation he apologized and she said she felt a level of closeness with him that she had not experienced before. She said that his mood seems to be better lately too.
Another one of gals in my group said that she is having much deeper conversations with her entire family as a result.
If joining a connect group sounds like something that would enhance your life, I invite you to take the quick online survey and schedule a free 30 minute consultation with me.
In the words of Tim Keller:
“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God.”
Imagine if that could be true for you.
Testimonials from past group participants:
“Kristi had such a beautiful impact on my life. She has a gift that allows you to feel safe to be your authentic self. I felt seen, heard and absolutely cared for all the while being encouraged and supported by the group. Time spent in a group with Kristi is amazing and you will leave each session empowered and free to be all that you were created to be.”
“This is the first time in my life where I have felt safe enough to share every part of me without the fear of being judged. I learned so much about myself and I am excited about sharing my gifts and strengths with the world.”
“Being part of the group is one of the best things I have ever done for myself, and I honestly wish every single person in my life could experience it. I have been changed from the inside out, and the lifelong friendships created within our group are something I will carry with me my entire life.”